• Atlanta, GA




Advocating for the early detection and advanced treatment of cancers and non-communicable diseases to close the survivorship disparity gap among the uninsured & underprivileged communities of Georgia.

Volunteer with Us


One-third of all cancer cases can be attributed to smoking, physical inactivity, dietary factors and obesity; thus, considered preventable. We aim to raise this awareness in minority communities, so they can reduce their exposure and have the information & support needed to adopt healthier lifestyles.

Our mission is to raise the health equity in minority communities by promoting more active, health centered lifestyles. PLAY HARD! ♥ GIVE HARD!

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Engage in Community Activities with Us

Help us increase health equity in minority communities.


One billion people globally have high blood pressure. Uncontrolled blood pressure remains the single most common attributable cause of death, accounting for more than 7 million deaths per year.


The leading causes of death among African Americans are heart disease, cancer, and accidents. African Americans have the highest mortality rate for all cancers combined compared with any other racial and ethnic group.


80% of African American women are overweight or obese compared to 64.8% of non-Hispanic white women.


Recent estimates attribute 10-20% of health outcomes to medical care, 30% to genetics, 40-50% to behavior, and 20% to the social and physical environment.

JAN. 1, 2021 – FEB. 28, 2021

2021 Weight Loss Challenge

  • 1.  Challenge begins New Year’s Day       – JANUARY 1, 2021!

  • 2.  Challenge will last 8 weeks –       

  •       until FEBRUARY 28, 2021.

  • 3.  You set your own weight loss   

  •       goals & lose weight on your     

  •       own terms!

  • 4.  At the end of the challenge, you        pledge to donate $10 per pound   

  •       of goal weight NOT met.

  • 5.  EXAMPLE: If your goal was to   

  •       lose 10 lbs but you only lost 8   

  •       lbs, then you will donate $20 at        the end of the challenge.

  • 6.  If you lose more than the goal   

  •       you set, then the health benefits

  •       of losing excess weight is your   

  •       reward!! No pledge donation is          expected, but donations are   

  •       always welcome!

  • 7.  There will be periodic raffles   

  •       and prizes to help keep you   

  •       motivated. 

  • 8.  Donated funds are tax   

  •       deductible & will be used to     

  •       support our mission!

  • 9.  Each Participant Will Receive a   

  •       Challenge Box. Please Fill-in the   

  •       Contact Information So That We          Can Coordinate Your Receipt.

  • 10. Your Information Will Never Be            Shared Outside Of This   

  •         Organization.

Selected Value: 10
Please select your weight loss goal for this challenge.
Please select your Color Preference.
stay informed

Keeping You Updated on the Latest Medical Advances

SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19)

What is COVID-19? COVID-19 is the name of the illness caused by a new type of coronavirus that has led to a large outbreak, which was first reported in China in December 2019.  The name of this coronavirus is “SARS-CoV-2.” Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that can cause common colds, as...

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Colorectal Cancer – Screenings advised to begin at age 45.

October 27, 2020 – The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (Task Force) posted a draft recommendation statement on screening for colorectalcancer. For the first time, the Task Force is recommending that screening start at age 45. These recommendations apply to adults without symptoms and who do not have a personal...

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Liquid Biopsy – promising advances in early cancer detection

Early detection is the holy grail of cancer research and any effort to enhance detection of cancer at an early stage is more than welcome. Certain fragments of DNA shed by tumors into the bloodstream can potentially be used to non-invasively screen for early-stage cancers, monitor responses to treatment and...

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Laura A. Aiken (1935-2016)

Laura Ann Pitts Aiken was born and raised in LaGrange, GA to the late Sherman and Rose Emma Pitts. She was the eldest of three children and graduated from East Depot High School.

She married the late Master Sergeant Malachi Aiken in 1957 when they relocated to Atlanta, Ga. After a brief employment with The Ford Motor Company, she spent the remainder of her career dedicated to food service. She even operated her own catering business for over 20 years. She worked at the Georgia World Congress Center for many years and eventually retired from the Georgia Building Authority in 1998.

She accepted Christ at an early age and also encouraged her children to dedicate their lives to Christ. She joined Mt. Ephraim Baptist Church in 1975 and participated in many church ministries. She was a member of the Senior Usher Board, as well as an adviser to the Junior Usher Board. She also bowled with the Mt. Ephraim Strikers Bowling League.

She led an active lifestyle, loved to travel and always encouraged her children to be independent. Her travels centered mostly around her love for bowling (participating in Women’s National Bowling League tournaments), her love for casinos (hitting up every casino across the country), and her love for all professional and collegiate sports (being a season ticket holder for the Atlanta Falcons for well over 30 years). In fact, many of her nicknames throughout the years came from her beloved tailgating days, most popularly called Snook and Fluff. She also loved singing, walking and fishing.

Even amidst being a four time cancer survivor, she left many fond memories to cherish. The Beautiful Laura Foundation was formed in honor of these cherished memories and her survivor’s spirit. Our aim is to support the early detection of cancers and chronic diseases in an effort to close the survivorship disparity gap among the uninsured and underprivileged communities of Georgia.


Increase Health Equity & Close Survivorship Gaps


Our Awesome Team​


founder & ceo


chief program coordinator


executive director


cfo & secretary



Contact Details

  • Location

    Atlanta, Georgia, USA

  • Email


  • Phone

    (404) 444-3306